LayBrick Sandstone Filament - 2.85mm - 250g

Lay-FilamentsSKU: 20288_1066

Sale price€35,99
In stock



LayBrick looks and feels like sandstone and is just great for architecture models and landscapes.

Printed objects can also be colored and easely grinded.
  • For architecture models / landscapes
  • No plastic feeling
  • Printed objects can be coloured and easely grinded
  • Stics well on print bed
  • No heated bed necessary
  • Contains natural mineralic fillers (super-fine milled chalk) and harmless co-polyesters
  • A new Filament - for huge objects / architecture models
  • (use the entire space of your jumbo printer)
  • Size of the object in video: 30 x 20 x 2 cm 11.8 x 7.9 x 0.8 inch
  • Very rough surface, near sandstone
  • Ideal for jumboprinters
  • Near zero warp !!!
Recommended print settings:
  • Print temp: 165°C to 210°C, smooth to rough surface, 165°C less to 210°C more oozing
  • You may print layer-thickness from 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm
  • Slicing: object fill max. 25%, fan needs to be on
  • It´s recommended to print in rooms with min. 20° Celsius. Colder more brittle
  • If you print with code M227 // values f.e. S:30000 P 10000
  • Wait after printing until object is hardened, then remove it from platform
  • Temperature stabil to about 70° Celsius
Beta version:

Means that the grey colour of the filament may change in nuances, the filament is also a little maiden, it may brake while bending, you should be sure (especially during a long print) that you can feed a broken part of filament again in your printer.


250 grams of 1.75mm LayBrick Filament

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